Thursday, March 12, 2009

What if God Was One of Us?

So my ma, who's not much into forwarding emails sent a random email about a kid who goes to see God. Finding a woman on a park bench, he proceeds to share a bag of potato chips with her. Each of them returns to their respective homes, claiming to have seen God. Google the story -- it's cute -- ample in treacle -- and the moral is to show kindness because you never know who the recipient is. It also demonstrates a Christian ideal -- that God's spirit dwells within all of us.

It also reminds me of the time that I thought twice about giving a freakshow a ride because what if she was Jesus? Okay, so, I was late for a hair appointment (at that time, I was using JC Penney Salon, and I'm about to go back, but that's another story), so I'm rushing in. I notice as I'm getting closer to the mall this woman -- she had to be at least 5'10, and tippin the scale at a good three-fiddy (or less, I'm never good at that.) Her outfit was, generously, too small, and was sleeveless enough that I noted she had applied a nonclear deodorant rather liberally. Yes, it was a quick glance, but it was enough. Got that picture? Okay. So, due to a scheduling snafu, I was not able to get my hair done, so I exit the mall quickly, and I pass this person, and she stops me. She asks me where Route 301 is; i tell her, and point it out. She tells me she's been waiting for Enterprise rental for 45 minutes to take her to their office on 301. I offer my sympathy; try to leave. THEN, she says, well, where are YOU going? As it happened, I was headed to 301, but I wasn't telling her that...I make up a route, to which she replies, well, that's not that far away - you could take me. I realize that I'm talking to a lunatic, assure her that, according to Enterprise's motto, they will pick her up, and make my exit.

As I'm walking to my car, I am struck with the passage in the bible that God does not always appear to us as we would expect, and what if I just turned away from God? Was this my equivalent of turning Jesus and Mary away at the door? Several people assured me, seeing as NotGod had a cell phone, I did as much as anyone would be expected to do. Since she was able to assist herself, I was still an okay Christian.

So, that's a bit of a silly analogy, but I do believe that God walks among us, in his own way. Not necessarily in an ill-fitting summer jumper, but that there are people planted among us to remind of us of the bigger picture. I feel the need here to point out that I have many friends with many views of the idea of God, from Atheist to Agnostic to Spiritual to Devout Believers. I know those who are seeking God and those who have walked with him their entire lives. I am respectful, and intrigued of all views, and feel my job is to, when asked, share my experiences that have led to my faith being where it is. And then there's my MA at work, who's belief is so absolute, he inspires me to learn more, and in my own way, be more.

And then there's my Grandmother. She's been battling, courageously. pancreatic cancer for almost a year now. In April 2008 they told us her prognosis was poor and that she would most likely not last much past 3 months. Almost 12 months later, she is struggling, but she is fighting. Whatever conversation she had with God convinced him she had more work to do here, and as Michele said, if anyone could change God's mind, certainly my grandmother could. So I guess when I see in someone the characteristics that I want to see within myself, grace, courage, determination, I feel as though God has put that someone in my life to show me how it works.

When I think of this, I still wouldn't have given that woman a ride. But the thought does move me to smile more, to look people in the eye, to ask someone how their day is going, and to actually wait for an answer. It moves me to say a little prayer every now and again, for myself and for the world around me. Most of my friends say I'm too nice, too friendly, will talk to anyone, and while that's mostly true, sometimes my motivation isn't what you think.


  1. Very well written! I like it a lot! :) Oh and you had BETTER put me on as one of the blogs you follow ASAP! :P

  2. Do you remember that rather scary crazyhead that used to be outside of the 7-11 near campus,with the white lips and the ratty hair and that "oh holy moly what happened to that thing" blanket. Once, I gave, her/him a dollar and my cup of coffee, cause you know, I do that, and suddenly, he/she, became coherent and said, "bless you my child"--this was before the what if god were one of us song but I always remember it, like hmmmm what if.

    Also you never know when you're going to be on that show "What would you do" and you don't want to be the asshole who does nothing...hahaha I love to read your writing, you make me think and laugh and smile, all at once


I always want to know what you think! Thanks for stopping by!